§ 42-17.7-3 Hearing officers Appointment Qualifications Compensation. (a) The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint upto four (4) hearing officers, who shall be attorneys-at-law who prior to theirappointment shall have practiced law for a period of not less than five (5)years, for a term of five (5) years each; provided, however, that of suchinitial four (4) hearing officers, one shall be appointed for a term of two (2)years, one shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years, one shall beappointed for a term of four (4) years, and one shall be appointed for a termof five (5) years, and they shall be addressed as hearing officers.
(b) The governor shall designate one of these hearingofficers as chief hearing officer. The hearing officers shall hear proceedingsas provided by this chapter, and the director with the assistance of the chiefhearing officer may promulgate such rules and regulations as shall be necessaryor desirable to effect the purposes of this chapter.
(c) A hearing officer shall devote full-time to theseadministrative duties and shall not otherwise practice law while holding officenor be a partner nor an associate of any person in the practice of law.
(d) Compensation for hearing officers shall be determined bythe department of administration.
(e) The chief hearing officer may in his or her discretionappoint outside hearing officers who shall have appropriate qualifications toso serve.