Such person or persons may form a professional association by executing and recording articles of association in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which the principal office of such association is located, and must be by such judge recorded in a book kept for that purpose. After recording such articles of association, the probate judge shall endorse thereon his certificate of registration, showing the book and page where recorded, and for his services for recording the certificate shall receive $.15 for each 100 words of the articles of association and $2.50 for examining the articles.
The person or persons forming the association shall adopt such name for the association as they in their discretion may determine, provided that the name selected shall be followed by the words "Professional Association" or the abbreviation "P.A." Any dentist or dentists forming the association shall be governed by the rules of the regulating board of their profession in adopting a name for the association.
The articles of association may contain any provisions not in violation of law or the public policy of this state as the members of the association may decide.
Such articles may be amended or dissolved at any time and from time to time by agreement of two thirds of the members at any regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, upon likewise recording such amendment or instrument of dissolution in the same place or places as the original articles of association.
(Acts 1961, No. 865, p. 1349, §3; Acts 1971, No. 184, p. 479.)