(a) If a domestic limited liability company is merging under this chapter, the domestic limited liability company or other business entity surviving or resulting from the merger shall file articles of merger in the Office of the Secretary of State. If a domestic limited liability company is filing the articles of merger, the articles of merger shall be signed by at least one member of the domestic limited liability company, and if another business entity is filing the articles of merger, the articles of merger shall be signed by a person authorized by the other business entity. The articles of merger shall state all of the following:
(1) The name, jurisdiction, and date of formation or organization of each of the domestic limited liability companies or other business entities that are to merge.
(2) That an agreement of merger has been approved and executed by each of the domestic limited liability companies or other business entities that are to merge.
(3) The name of the surviving or resulting domestic limited liability company or other business entity.
(4) The future effective date or time (which shall be a date or time certain) of the merger if it is not to be effective upon the filing of the articles of merger.
(5) That the agreement of merger is on file at a place of business of the surviving or resulting domestic limited liability company or other business entity, and shall state the street address of that place of business.
(6) That a copy of the agreement of merger will be furnished by the surviving or resulting domestic limited liability company or other business entity, on request and without cost, to any member of any domestic limited liability company or any person holding an interest in any other business entity which is a party to the merger.
(7) If the surviving or resulting entity is not a domestic limited liability company or other business entity organized under the laws of this state, a statement that the foreign business entity consents to service of process on it by registered mail addressed to the foreign business entity at the office required to be maintained in the state or other jurisdiction where it is organized by the laws of that state or, other jurisdiction, or, if not so required, at its principal office, if it has not appointed an agent under Section 10-12-47 or if that agent cannot be found or served with the exercise of reasonable diligence.
(b) A merger shall be effective upon the filing in the Office of the Secretary of State of the articles of merger unless a future effective date or time is provided in the articles of merger, in which event the merger shall be effective at the future date or time specified.
(Acts 1993, No. 93-724, p. 1425, §55; Act 97-920, 1st Ex. Sess., p. 312, §1.)