(a) Subject to the limitations of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901 as the same may be amended from time to time, one or more foreign corporations may merge or enter into a share exchange with one or more domestic corporations if:
(1) In a merger, the merger is permitted by the law of the state or country under whose law each foreign corporation is incorporated and each foreign corporation complies with that law in effecting the merger;
(2) In a share exchange, the corporation whose shares will be acquired is a domestic corporation, whether or not a share exchange is permitted by the law of the state or country under whose law the acquiring corporation is incorporated;
(3) The foreign corporation complies with Section 10-2B-11.05 if it is the surviving corporation of the merger or acquiring corporation of the share exchange; and
(4) Each domestic corporation complies with the applicable provisions of Sections 10-2B-11.01 through 10-2B-11.04 and, if it is the surviving corporation of the merger or acquiring corporation of the share exchange, with Section 10-2B-11.05.
(b) Upon the merger or share exchange taking effect, the surviving foreign corporation of a merger and the acquiring foreign corporation of a share exchange is deemed:
(1) To appoint the Secretary of State as its agent for service of process in a proceeding to enforce any obligation or the rights of dissenting shareholders of each domestic corporation party to the merger or share exchange; and
(2) To agree that it will promptly pay to the dissenting shareholders of each domestic corporation party to the merger or share exchange the amount, if any, to which they are entitled under Article 13.
(c) This section does not limit the power of a foreign corporation to acquire all or part of the shares of one or more classes or series of a domestic corporation through a voluntary exchange or otherwise.
(Acts 1994, No. 94-245, p. 343, §1.)