(a) On or before the first day of March of each year, every company transacting business under this article in this state shall file with the Commissioner of Insurance a statement showing the amount of gross dues received by it for business done in this state during the preceding calendar year ending December 31 and the number of contracts or certificates outstanding.
(b) The corporation shall, annually, on or before the first day of March, file in the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance a statement, verified by at least two of the principal officers of said corporation, showing its condition on December 31 next preceding, which shall be in the form, and shall contain such matters, as the Commissioner of Insurance shall prescribe. Every such corporation shall set up as the liability for unperformed contracts or unearned dues on all outstanding certificates 95 percent of the unearned net dues or charges collected on such contracts computed on a monthly basis (by net dues is meant the amount received by the corporation less acquisition costs). Every such corporation shall at all times hold assets equal to such aggregate amount so computed over and above all other liabilities, but the Commissioner of Insurance shall allow to the credit of every such company in the account of its financial condition all such assets as are, or can be made, available for the payment of claims or losses in Alabama.
(Acts 1935, No. 544, p. 1157; Acts 1939, No. 491, p. 710; Code 1940, T. 28, §§314, 315.)