The complaint in any action authorized by this article shall state whether or not the local organization obtained from the parent organization or any of its affiliated organizations a loan or grant of funds with which to defray, in whole or in part, the cost of constructing or acquiring any of the buildings or real estate included in the fraternal property sought to be withdrawn, and if such loan or grant was obtained within 20 years prior to filing the complaint, then it shall aver the amount thereof and the date such loan or grant was obtained and whether, if it be a loan, it is secured by a lien instrument. If the court grants the right to withdraw as requested in the complaint and further grants a confirmation of title to property in the local organization, free of the trust clause, as defined in Section 10-4-170, it shall determine the amount of such unsecured loan or grant and that the same was made within 20 years of filing the complaint, if that be true, and shall order that such loan, if unsecured, or grant shall be repaid without interest to the date of the judgment, within a reasonable time to be fixed by the court, as a condition to granting the relief sought and shall fix a lien on the fraternal property of the local organization to secure the repayment of said unsecured loan or grant.
(Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 176, p. 2137, §9.)