Such incorporated conventions or associations, as well as sectional or national conventions or associations of such churches incorporated under the laws of any state, may establish schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, orphanages or training courses for the ministry, missions, medical, sanitary and other benevolent work, either directly or by authorizing boards of directors to be by said convention appointed, from time to time, to incorporate under general laws as a separate but subsidiary corporation. Any religious, educational or charitable association or institution so established by said convention, whether separately incorporated or not, shall always be under the complete control and ownership of said conventions or of boards of trustees or directors now appointed, or hereafter from time to time appointed by said conventions, and may donate and convey property to them.
(Acts 1923, No. 56, p. 32; Code 1940, T. 10, §135; Acts 1947, No. 704, p. 542.)