(a) The name of a limited partnership may contain the name of any partner.
(b) The name of a limited partnership that is not a limited liability limited partnership must contain the phrase "limited partnership" or "Limited," or the abbreviation "L.P.," "LP," or "Ltd." and must not contain the phrase "limited liability limited partnership" or the abbreviation "LLLP" or "L.L.L.P.".
(c) The name of a limited liability limited partnership must contain the phrase "limited liability limited partnership" or the abbreviation "LLLP" or "L.L.L.P." and must not contain the phrase "limited partnership" or the term "Limited," or the abbreviation "L.P.," "LP," or "Ltd.".
(d) [Reserved.]
(e) [Reserved.]
(f) Subject to Section 10-9C-905, this section applies to any foreign limited partnership transacting business in this state, having a certificate of authority to transact business in this state, or applying for a certificate of authority.
(g) The name of a limited partnership may not contain the following words: "bank," "banking," "banker," "trust," "insurance," "insurer," "corporation," "incorporated," or any abbreviation of such words.
(Act 2009-621, §1.)