(a) Any justice, judge, officer, official or employee of the judicial branch of government, including retired and supernumerary justices, judges or employees, other than probate and municipal court judges and employees, shall be entitled to any and all employee benefits to which other state employees, officers or officials on active duty status are entitled, including, but not limited to, group hospital, medical and surgical insurance, regardless of whether such officer, official or employee is receiving his compensation from grant funds or otherwise.
(b) All supernumerary justices and judges and retired justices and judges shall fall within the retirement category and there shall be no differences between the same in regard to social security, tax benefits or advantages and employee benefits, and uniformity of treatment shall be given and accorded unless statutes specifically otherwise provide.
(c) Any justice or judge who is eligible or who will become eligible in the future for supernumerary benefits or retirement benefits shall not forfeit any right by failing to apply for such status at the time that he left or leaves active state service but shall be entitled to all such rights whenever he applies for the same.
(Acts 1975, No. 1205, p. 2384, §6-107.)