(a) If any plaintiff, defendant, or witness in any proceeding before the district court, circuit court, appellate court, or grand jury is in need of special services or equipment as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act [P.L. 101-366], the court shall make every effort to make reasonable accommodation for the services or equipment to allow the person to fully participate in the proceedings. All costs for the services or equipment shall be approved in advance by the court.
(b) The costs incurred by the district, circuit, or appellate court providing special services or equipment, when approved by the court in advance, shall be forwarded by the clerk of the court to the State Comptroller to be paid out of funds within the State General Fund known as "court assessed costs not provided for." Nothing in this section shall prohibit the court from taxing the costs against one or more of the parties for immediate payment or from requiring reimbursement to the state at a later date, if not otherwise prohibited by law.
(Act 2000-277, p. 441, §2.)