Officials electing to come under the provisions of this article shall contribute to the Clerks' and Registers' Supernumerary Fund of the State of Alabama, which is hereby created, in amounts to be determined as follows:
(1) Circuit clerks shall contribute six percent of the total per annum state compensation for the circuit clerk in the county of residence of said clerk.
(2) Circuit registers shall contribute six percent of the total per annum state compensation for the circuit register in the county of residence of said register.
(3) The Clerks' and Registers' Supernumerary Fund is hereby placed under the management and control of the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Employees' Retirement System of Alabama is charged with the responsibility for investment of the fund and for the development and maintenance of administrative procedures involving member records, benefits, investment of funds, and other administrative functions necessary to the operation of the Clerks' and Registers' Supernumerary Fund.
(Acts 1975, No. 1205, p. 2384, §7-115; Acts 1981, No. 81-684, p. 1153, §2; Acts 1990, No. 90-646, p. 1205, §1.)