Circuit judges have the following authority and duties:
(1) To grant stays of proceedings and writs of certiorari, quo warranto, mandamus and all other remedial and original writs which are grantable by judges at common law.
(2) To grant writs of injunction and ne exeat, returnable into the circuit court.
(3) To administer oaths and take acknowledgments and affidavits in all cases in which oaths and affidavits are required by law.
(4) To exercise such other powers as are or may be granted them by law.
(Code 1852, §629; Code 1867, §747; Code 1876, §658; Code 1886, §758; Code 1896, §921; Code 1907, §3259; Code 1923, §6709; Code 1940, T. 13, §182.)