All court clerks in this state, upon the expiration of their several terms of office, shall pay over to their several successors in office all witness fees in their hands and which have been collected by them and which have not been paid into the State Treasury and shall furnish such successor a full and complete statement showing the names of all witnesses for whom said fees were collected, the date of the collection, the amount due each of the witnesses, the court, the style of the case and the date of the final termination of the case in which such fees were collected.
After such payment to their several successors in office or to the State Treasurer, they shall be discharged from further liability in regard to all fees so paid over, either to their successors or to the State Treasurer.
(Code 1923, §7246; Acts 1939, No. 33, p. 34; Code 1940, T. 11, §57; Acts 1975, No. 1205, p. 2384, §16-147.)