(a) The following distribution shall be made of docket fees for felony guilty plea cases in district court:
(1) Ten dollars ($10) to the Police Officers' Annuity Fund.
(2) Sixteen dollars ($16) to the Fair Trial Tax Fund.
(3) One hundred four dollars ($104) to the State General Fund.
(4) Five dollars ($5) to the county general fund.
(5) An arrest fee of five dollars ($5) to the State General Fund or the state funds prescribed by law; except, that in cases initiated by county law enforcement officers, the arrest fee shall be distributed to the county general fund.
(6) Thirty dollars ($30) to the District Attorney Fund or to the fund prescribed by law for district attorney fees.
(7) Ten dollars ($10) to the Peace Officers' Standards and Training Fund.
(8) Five dollars ($5) to the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund.
(b) The additional five dollars ($5) assessed and collected in felony guilty plea cases in district court, effective October 1, 2000, shall be distributed to the Fair Trial Tax Fund.
(Acts 1975, No. 1205, p. 2384, §16-127; Acts 1983, No. 83-744, p. 1225, §11; Acts 1987, No. 87-405, p. 575, §11; Acts 1992, No. 92-227, p. 562, §1; Act 99-427, p. 759, §1.)