(a) In addition to any other docket fees provided by law, including, but not limited to, the docket fees provided in Sections 12-19-171 and 12-19-176, the following fees shall be automatically assessed in cases in municipal, juvenile, district, and circuit courts upon conviction or adjudication of the defendant of any of the following offenses:
(1) Unlawful possession of marihuana in the second degree in violation of Section 13A-12-214 .........$40.
(2) Possession of drug paraphernalia, misdemeanor conviction or adjudication, in violation of subsection (c) of Section 13A-12-260 ..........$40.
(3) Delivery, sale, manufacture, etc. of drug paraphernalia in violation of subsection (d) of Section 13A-12-260:
a. Misdemeanor ..............$40.
b. Felony .........................$60.
(4) Felony unlawful possession of a controlled substance in violation of Sections 13A-12-212 and 13A-12-213 ...............$60.
(5) Obtaining a controlled substance by fraud in violation of subdivision (3) of subsection (a) of Section 20-2-72............$60.
(6) Unlawful distribution, manufacture, or sale of a controlled substance in violation of Section 13A-12-211 .............$260.
(7) Trafficking in a controlled substance in violation of Section 13A-12-231 ...............$600.
(b) The fees collected pursuant to this section shall be collected by the court clerk and remitted monthly to the State Treasury in accordance with Rule 4 of the Alabama Rules of Judicial Administration and distributed as follows:
(1) Three-eighths of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Fair Trial Tax Fund in the State Treasury and shall be used solely to pay the fees and expenses for the representation of indigent criminal defendants and other persons pursuant to Sections 15-12-21 to 15-12-23, inclusive.
(2) One-eighth of the fee collected shall be deposited in the Advanced Technology and Data Exchange Fund.
(3) One-fourth of the fee collected shall be deposited in the State General Fund and shall be used to provide for the statewide coordination of pro bono legal services in civil matters and for the furtherance of professionalism among members of the bench and bar.
(4) One-fourth of the fee collected shall be deposited in the State General Fund to implement the uniform judicial pay plan.
(Act 99-427, p. 759, §2.)