(a) Probate judges must keep posted, in a conspicuous place in their respective offices, a complete list of all the fees allowed by law to them and must furnish a copy thereof on application.
(b) Any probate judge who fails to comply with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not be authorized to collect or receive any fee for services rendered during such failure.
(Code 1852, §§3064, 3065; Code 1867, §§3535, 3536; Code 1876, §§5018, 5019; Code 1886, §§3666, 3667; Code 1896, §§1354, 1355; Code 1907, §§3694, 3695; Code1923, §§7256, 7257; Code 1940, T. 11, §§2, 3; Acts 1975, No. 1205, p. 2384, §§16-136, 16-137.)