The clerk shall have authority and it shall be his duty:
(1) To administer oaths and take affidavits;
(2) To issue and sign all writs and process of every description issued under the authority of the court;
(3) To keep in regular order the papers, dockets and records of the court;
(4) To keep a docket as prescribed by the court;
(5) To enter from day to day the judgments and proceedings of the court; and
(6) To make, under the supervision of the court, the quarterly allotments of the funds appropriated for the expenses of the court and approve the bills for payment out of such funds for the purchases and expenses of the court.
(Code 1852, §582; Code 1867, §680; Code 1876, §592; Code 1886, §699; Code 1896, §3860; Code 1907, §5987; Acts 1915, No. 535, p. 606; Acts 1915, No. 663, p. 725; Code 1923, §10323; Code1940, T. 13, §§52, 53(1); Acts 1943, No. 423, p. 389, §2.)