The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be the chairman of the conference. The conference shall meet at least annually but shall meet at such other times as, in the opinion of the Chief Justice, such meetings are needed, upon the call of the Chief Justice.
The Chief Justice shall have the right, if he deems it advisable, to appoint and dismiss a secretary and other officials and employees, including consultants and consulting agencies, without regard to the provisions of the merit system, for the Judicial Conference, who shall perform such other duties as directed by the Chief Justice with the Supreme Court, the Permanent Study Commission on Alabama's Judicial System and the Department of Court Management and who shall be paid, in full or in part, such compensation or salaries as the chief justice may direct, from any funds appropriated to the Supreme Court, the Permanent Study Commission on Alabama's Judicial System, the Department of Court Management or any grant funds awarded or given to the Permanent Study Commission on Alabama's Judicial System, the Judicial Conference, the Department of Court Management and the Supreme Court in accordance with the direction of the Chief Justice.
(Acts 1961, Ex. Sess., No. 74, p. 1949, §4; Acts 1971, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 118, p. 4343.)