It shall be unlawful for any person to do any of the following:
(1) Intentionally release, steal, destroy, demolish, obliterate, or otherwise cause loss of any animal or crop from an animal or crop facility without the consent of the owner.
(2) Damage, vandalize, or steal any property on or from an animal or crop facility.
(3) Obtain access to an animal or crop facility by false pretenses for the purpose of performing acts not authorized by that facility.
(4) Break and enter into any animal or crop facility with the intent to destroy, alter, duplicate, or obtain unauthorized possession of records, data, materials, equipment, animals, or crops.
(5) Knowingly obtain control by theft or deception that is unauthorized, or to exert control that is unauthorized over any records, data, materials, equipment, animals, or crops of any animal or crop facility for the purpose of depriving the rightful owner or facility of records, materials, data, equipment, animals, or crops.
(6) Possess or use records, materials, data, equipment, crops, or animals in any way to copy or reproduce records or data of an animal or crop facility knowing or reasonably believing that the records, materials, data, equipment, crops, or animals have been obtained by theft or deception, or without authorization of the rightful owners or administrators of the animal or crop facility.
(7) Enter or remain on an animal or crop facility with the intent to commit an act prohibited under this section.
(Act 2002-505, p. 1307, §3.)