Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter to the contrary, the authority is authorized, in its discretion, to continue to lease to the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States of America approximately 11.8 acres of land, bounded on the north by Federal Drive, on the south and east by Gunter Air Force Base and on the west by Three-Mile Branch, of the Kilby property in the County of Montgomery known as the Eastern Radiological Laboratory and to give to the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States of America the improvements thereon consisting of four frame buildings for the purpose of maintaining and operating an environmental laboratory by said Environmental Protection Agency. Such lease is to be made upon the same terms, conditions and provisions upon which said land is presently leased; however, no such lease shall be for a term longer than the then current fiscal year of the state, but such lease may contain a grant of successive options of renewing said lease on the terms specified therein for any subsequent fiscal year or years. The authority may continue such lease for so long as the said Environmental Protection Agency maintains and operates an environmental laboratory on said land and for so long as such lease does not materially impair the security of any bonds issued by said authority.
(Acts 1971, No. 2055, p. 3306.)