If at any time any facility constructed by the authority is, or is about to be, vacant or unused as a result of there being no lease for such facility in effect for the current fiscal year, then, but only in such event, in order to prevent default on its bonds, the authority is hereby authorized to lease such facility to any other agency, department, bureau or commission of the state, any municipal corporation, public corporation, county, or other public body in the state, or any agency of the federal government other than the original lessee of said facility. Any such lease shall not be for the purpose of lending public credit but shall be solely to avoid default on the authority's bonds and to insure the prompt payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon when due.
(Acts 1965, No. 678, p. 1226, §25; Acts 1985, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 85-125, p. 187, §14.)