In cases where a defendant is arrested without a warrant and taken into custody and there is no standard bail schedule prescribed by the presiding judge of the court of jurisdiction for the amounts of bail for such arrests without warrants, then the arresting officer shall, as soon as possible, contact a judicial officer for an order of bail. If the arresting officer is unable to contact the judicial officer having jurisdiction of the case, the arresting officer may contact any judicial officer having the authority to set bail in that judicial circuit to issue the order of bail. If no judicial officer has issued an order of bail within 24 hours of the arrest of defendant, then the bail shall be set by operation of law and the amount of bail shall be that amount prescribed as the minimum amount established by the bail schedule adopted by Supreme Court rule. Provided, however, in violation and misdemeanor cases the minimum amount of bail shall be $300 for each offense charged. The judicial officer may also fix the amount of bail on the indictment.
(Acts 1993, No. 93-677, p. 1259, §6.)