The obligation of the sureties continues throughout every stage of trial, from the time the defendant is entered thereon until the rendition of the verdict by the jury or judge. The finding of the defendant guilty by a jury or judge discharges the sureties. The obligation of the sureties are also discharged when the judge takes any of the following actions:
(1) Sentences the defendant.
(2) Grants the prosecutor's motion to nol pros the case.
(3) Dismisses the case.
(4) Issuance of any order to the defendant to attend driving-under-the-influence school, mental health counseling, or any similar order of which the court would only have had the authority to do so, if there had been an adjudication of guilt or in cases where there has been an adjudication of guilt.
(5) Issuance of any order of restitution.
(6) Announcement or order of sentence prior to any probation determination.
(Acts 1993, No. 93-677, p. 1259, §15.)