(a) Whenever an individual is convicted of a criminal sex offense in this state, the state, at the time of sentencing, may petition the sentencing court to enter an order adjudging the offender to be a sexually violent predator.
(b) If the state so petitions, it shall present clear and convincing evidence that the offender suffers from a mental abnormality or personality disorder that makes the person likely to engage in predatory criminal sex offenses.
(c) Any offender determined in any other state to be a sexually violent predator shall be considered a sexually violent predator in this state.
(d) Sexually violent predators shall be required, upon release, to provide to the responsible agency, in addition to the information required to complete a community notification flyer as provided in subdivision (3) of Section 15-20-21:
(1) A full history of criminal offenses committed by the offender.
(2) Documentation of any treatment received for the mental abnormality or personality disorder of the offender.
(e) A sexually violent predator shall be required to verify his or her place of residence on a quarterly basis, rather than an annual basis as is generally provided in Section 15-20-24.
(f) A sexually violent predator, as a condition of the offender's release from incarceration, shall be subject to electronic monitoring and be required to pay the costs of such monitoring, as set forth in Section 15-20-26.1, for a period of no less than 10 years from the date of the sexually violent predator's release. This requirement shall be imposed by the sentencing court as a part of the sexually violent predator's sentence, as provided in Sections 13A-5-6(c) and 15-20-26.1.
(g) An intentional failure to comply with any provision of this section shall constitute a Class C felony.
(Act 2001-1127, 4th Sp. Sess., p. 1199, §2; Act 2005-301, 1st Sp. Sess., §1.)