(a) Any person who is placed on parole by the Board of Pardons and Paroles or any person who is granted probation by a court of competent jurisdiction and who is subject to supervision by the Board of Pardons and Paroles, and who has an income shall be required to contribute thirty dollars ($30) per month toward the cost of his or her supervision and rehabilitation beginning 30 days from the date he or she has an income. The sum shall be deducted by the parolee or probationer from his or her monthly income and delivered to the Board of Pardons and Paroles on or before the fifth day of each month for deposit in the General Fund of the State Treasury on or before the tenth day of each month. By prior agreement between an employer and employee, an employer may deduct thirty dollars ($30) from the monthly net earned income of the parolee or probationer and remit the amount to the Board of Pardons and Paroles by the fifth day of each month. The responsibility of assuring the contribution shall remain that of the parolee or probationer. Exemptions from payments required by this section may be granted for undue hardship on a case by case basis by the sentencing court in probation and the Board of Pardons and Paroles in parole cases.
In the event of over two months' arrearage or delinquency in making a contribution, the arrearage or delinquency shall constitute sufficient ground for revocation of the parole or probation of the person in arrears.
There shall be established a Probationer's Upkeep Fund. All moneys received pursuant to this section since August 24, 1976, shall be transferred by the State Treasury into the fund for the credit and use of the Board of Pardons and Paroles and all sums collected pursuant thereto after May 5, 1977, shall be deposited into the Treasury to the credit of the fund. All funds shall be withdrawn or expended only for the purposes stated in this section. The funds are hereby appropriated to the Board of Pardons and Paroles for the purposes stated in this section.
There is hereby appropriated for the current fiscal year $50,000.00 from said fund to the Board of Pardons and Paroles for the purposes of supervising parolees and probationers who are gainfully employed.
(b) The amount of contribution of each parolee and probationer of his or her monthly net earned income shall be excluded from the taxable income of the person for the purpose of determining the state income tax liability of the person.
(c) A parolee or probationer authorized to work at paid employment in the community under this section shall comply with all rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
(Acts 1976, No. 638, p. 887, §§1, 2, 3; Acts 1977, No. 414, p. 554, §1; Acts 1980, No. 80-465, p. 727, §1; Acts 1986, Ex. Sess., No. 86-704, p. 113, §1; Act 98-367, p. 667, §1.)