(a) The Board of Pardons and Paroles, in releasing a prisoner on parole, shall specify in writing the conditions of his parole, and a copy of such conditions shall be given to the parolee. A violation of such conditions may render the prisoner liable to arrest and reimprisonment.
(b) The Board of Pardons and Paroles shall adopt general rules with regard to conditions of parole and their violation and may make special rules to govern particular cases. Such rules, both general and special, may include, among other things, a requirement that:
(1) The parolee shall not leave the state without the consent of the board;
(2) He shall contribute to the support of his dependents to the best of his ability;
(3) He shall make reparation or restitution for his crime;
(4) He shall abandon evil associates and ways; and
(5) He shall carry out the instructions of his parole officer and in general so comport himself as such officer shall determine.
(Acts 1939, No. 275, p. 426; Code 1940, T. 42, §9; Acts 1951, No. 599, p. 1030.)