(a) A probation officer shall investigate all cases referred to him for investigation by any court or by the Board of Pardons and Paroles and shall report in writing thereon. He shall furnish to each person released on probation under his supervision a written statement of the conditions of probation and shall instruct him regarding the same. Such officer shall keep informed concerning the conduct and condition of each person on probation under his supervision by visiting, requiring reports and in other ways, and he shall report thereon in writing as often as the court or the board may require. Such officer shall use all practicable and suitable methods, not inconsistent with the provisions imposed by the court, to aid and encourage persons on probation and to bring about improvements in their conduct and condition. Such officer shall keep detailed records of his work and shall make such reports in writing to the court and the board as they may require. A probation officer shall have, in the execution of his duties, the powers of arrest and the same right to execute process as is now given or may hereafter be given by law to the sheriffs of this state.
(b) All reports, records and data assembled by any probation officer and referred to the court shall be privileged and shall not be available for public inspection except upon order of the court to which the same was referred.
(c) In no case shall the right to inspect said report be denied the defendant or his counsel after said report has been completed or filed.
(Acts 1939, No. 278, p. 434; Code 1940, T. 42, §23; Acts 1975, No. 1205, §10-102.)