(a) The period of probation or suspension of execution of sentence shall be determined by the court, and the period of probation or suspension may be continued, extended, or terminated. However, in no case shall the maximum probation period of a defendant guilty of a misdemeanor exceed two years, nor shall the maximum probation period of a defendant guilty of a felony exceed five years. When the conditions of probation or suspension of sentence are fulfilled, the court shall, by order duly entered on its minutes, discharge the defendant.
(b) The court granting probation may, upon the recommendation of the officer supervising the probationer, terminate all authority and supervision over the probationer prior to the declared date of completion of probation upon showing a continued satisfactory compliance with the conditions of probation over a sufficient portion of the period of the probation.
(c) At any time during the period of probation or suspension of execution of sentence, the court may issue a warrant and cause the defendant to be arrested for violating any of the conditions of probation or suspension of sentence.
(d) Except as provided in Chapter 15 of Title 12, any probation officer, police officer, or other officer with power of arrest, when requested by the probation officer, may arrest a probationer without a warrant. In case of an arrest without a warrant, the arresting officer shall have a written statement by the probation officer setting forth that the probationer has, in his or her judgment, violated the conditions of probation, and the statement shall be sufficient warrant for the detention of the probationer in the county jail or other appropriate place of detention until the probationer is brought before the court. The probation officer shall forthwith report the arrest and detention to the court and submit in writing a report showing in what manner the probationer has violated probation.
(1) If the defendant violates a condition of probation or suspension of execution of sentence, the court, after a hearing, may implement one or more of the following options:
a. Continue the existing probation or suspension of execution of sentence.
b. Issue a formal or informal warning to the probationer that further violations may result in revocation of probation or suspension of execution of sentence.
c. Conduct a formal or informal conference with the probationer to reemphasize the necessity of compliance with the conditions of probation.
d. Modify the conditions of probation or suspension of execution of sentence, which conditions may include the addition of short periods of confinement.
e. Revoke the probation or suspension of execution of sentence.
(2) If the court revokes probation, it may, after a hearing, impose the sentence that was suspended at the original hearing or any lesser sentence, including any option listed in subdivision (1).
(3) If revocation results in a sentence of confinement, credit shall be given for all time spent in custody prior to revocation. Full credit shall be awarded for full-time confinement in facilities such as county jail, state prison, and boot camp. Credit for other penalties, such as work release programs, intermittent confinement, and home detention, shall be left to the discretion of the court, with the presumption that time spent subject to these penalties will receive half credit. The court shall also give significant weight to the time spent on probation in substantial compliance with the conditions thereof. The total time spent in confinement may not exceed the term of confinement of the original sentence.
(4) The court shall not revoke probation and order the confinement of the probationer unless the court finds on the basis of the original offense and the probationer's intervening conduct, either of the following:
a. No measure short of confinement will adequately protect the community from further criminal activity by the probationer.
b. No measure short of confinement will avoid depreciating the seriousness of the violation.
(Acts 1939, No. 278, p. 434; Code 1940, T. 42, §24; Acts 1945, No. 426, p. 666; Acts 1949, No. 645, p. 987; Acts 1975, No. 1205, §10-103; Acts 1992, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 92-689, p. 75, §1.)