The clerk of the court is authorized and shall accept partial payments from defendants when directed to do so by the court, pursuant to the conditions in Section 12-19-26. The clerk of the court shall disburse restitution to victims or the authorized recipient, including partial periodic payments as ordered under any judgment, decree, or order of the circuit or district court, pursuant to Section 15-18-65 et seq. The disbursements shall be made to the victims or the authorized recipient no later than the time provided in Rule 4, Alabama Rules of Judicial Administration. The clerk of the court shall, at the end of each month, provide to the district attorney and probation office a list of the names of defendants who are delinquent in their restitution payments under a court-approved installment plan or any other deferred-payment time period specified by the court in its sentencing order.
(Acts 1995, No. 95-583, p. 1234, §23.)