The board of school trustees shall have the power to authorize the use of the schoolhouse for such civic, social, recreational and community gatherings as in its opinion do not interfere with the principal use of the said school building or property. It shall be the duty of the person or persons making application for the use of the schoolhouse for a public meeting place to see that the said schoolhouse after said meeting is in as clean a condition as it was before said meeting, and in case of failure upon the part of said person or persons to whom permission has been granted to hold the meetings to place said school after said meeting in as clean a condition as it was when said schoolhouse was turned over to said person or persons for said meeting, or the failure of the person or persons to respond in damages to any injury to the property, the ordinary wear and tear excepted, the board of school trustees shall refuse all further applications for the use of such schoolhouse by the same parties.
(School Code 1927, §187; Code 1940, T. 52, §147.)