(a) City and county boards of education, the Department of Youth Services School District and the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind are hereby authorized to pay in advance such reasonable sums as may be required for registration and travel expenses for their members and employees to participate in approved meetings and conferences. No sum shall be advanced from the treasury of any city or county board of education in this state for the purpose of defraying the expenses of any member or employee of such board while traveling or remaining beyond the limits of such board unless the same shall first be included in the budget of such board or approved by a majority vote of the board, which said motion shall state the purpose and object of such expenditure.
(b) When any sum is advanced to a member or employee of any board of education to be used to defray expenses incurred while traveling beyond the borders of the school district, the member or employee shall submit such itemized statements of expenses as may be required by law immediately upon return of the member or employee. Failure to present and have approved such statement shall render such member or employee personally liable to the county or city board of education for the sum advanced, which sum shall, if such member or employee is drawing pay for his services from the county or city board of education, be deducted from any sum then or in the future owed by the county or city board of education to such member or employee.
(Acts 1988, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 88-807, p. 247, §§1, 2.)