Any county board of education and any city board of education may from time to time sell and issue refunding warrants for the purpose of refunding the principal of warrants then outstanding that were issued by the said board of education under the provisions of either this article or any other act or statute, and the interest accrued on the warrants to be refunded, whether or not the principal of the said outstanding warrants shall have matured at the time of the issuance of the refunding warrants and regardless of the date on which the warrants to be refunded shall have a stated maturity or shall be subject to redemption or cancellation. Any premium necessary to redeem or retire the warrants to be so refunded may be paid out of the proceeds from the refunding warrants; and the total principal amount of the refunding warrants shall not exceed the sum of (i) the principal of the warrants to be refunded, (ii) the interest accrued and unpaid thereon plus the interest to mature thereon until the date on which they are to be redeemed or paid and (iii) the amount of any such redemption premium. Except for the fact that refunding warrants are issued for refunding purposes rather than any of the purposes referred to in Section 16-13-70, all the provisions of this article relating to warrants generally shall be applicable to refunding warrants issued hereunder.
(Acts 1959, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 57, p. 224, §3; Acts 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 148, p. 336, §2; Acts 1986, Ex. Sess., No. 86-652, p. 35.)