(a) The proceeds of all bonds, other than refunding bonds, issued by the authority remaining after paying expenses of their issuance shall be deposited in the State Treasury and shall be carried in the State Treasury in a special or separate account. Said expenses shall be deducted from that portion of the said proceeds allocated in subsection (o) of this section. Such remaining funds shall be subject to be drawn upon by the authority with the approval of the secretary of the authority and the Governor, but any funds so withdrawn shall be used solely for the purpose of financing the construction, reconstruction, alteration, improvement and equipment of buildings and other facilities for public educational purposes, including the cost of architectural services therefor and services rendered by building inspectors for periodic and final inspections thereof, and for acquiring sites therefor, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(b) Nine million eight hundred thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed to the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama to be used at the University Medical Center at Birmingham, Alabama.
(c) One million nine hundred thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed to Auburn University to be used for construction and equipment of physical educational building facilities.
(d) Four million two hundred twenty-eight thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed to the University of South Alabama.
(e) Ten million eight hundred thirty-eight thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed to the Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama to be used for educational buildings and facilities located elsewhere than at the said University Medical Center.
(f) One million nine hundred sixty-five thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed to the University of Montevallo.
(g) Ten million sixty-nine thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed to Auburn University to be used for buildings and other educational facilities other than that set forth in subsection (c) of this section.
(h) Twelve million eight hundred thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed to the State Board of Education to be distributed among the state institutions of higher learning under the State Board of Education as follows:
(1) Two million two hundred eight thousand dollars shall be paid to the University of North Alabama;
(2) One million five hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to Livingston University;
(3) Three million two hundred ninety-two thousand dollars shall be paid to Jacksonville State University;
(4) Two million four hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to Troy State University;
(5) One million six hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University; and
(6) One million eight hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to Alabama State University.
(i) Nine hundred thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed to the State Board of Education to be distributed among the state junior colleges and trade schools under the State Board of Education as follows:
(1) Four hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to Southern Union College;
(2) One hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to J.F. Drake Technical College;
(3) One hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to Southwest State Technical Institute;
(4) One hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to Councill Trenholm State Technical College;
(5) Two hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to Shelton State Technical Institute at Tuscaloosa.
(j) Four hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to the State Board of Education and disbursed by it for the construction and equipment of buildings and other facilities for public educational purposes at Partlow State School.
(k) One hundred fifty-eight thousand dollars shall be paid to the Alabama Youth Services, Mt. Meigs campus.
(l) Three hundred forty-two thousand dollars shall be paid to the Alabama Youth Services, Chalkville campus.
(m) Four hundred thousand dollars shall be paid to the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind.
(n) Two million four hundred thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed by the authority among the state vocational technical schools and junior colleges, these amounts to be in addition to any funds heretofore provided by law for the construction and equipping of trade schools and junior colleges.
(o) Fifty-nine million eight hundred thousand dollars of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder shall be distributed as follows:
(1) The authority shall set aside first an amount considered to be necessary to provide for the appointment and employment of such attorneys and agents as the business of the authority may require.
(2) The preparation of all plans and specifications for any building constructed wholly or in part with any of the money realized from this issue and all work done hereunder in regard to the construction, reconstruction, alteration and improvement of buildings shall be supervised by the Alabama Building Commission, or any agency which may be designated by the Legislature as its successor, and the authority shall reimburse the Building Commission for its reasonable direct costs in having plans, specifications and contract documents prepared and in supervising and inspecting the work.
(3) One hundred eighty-seven thousand five hundred dollars shall be paid to the board of education of each county in this state, to be used for the reconstruction, alteration, equipment and improvement of existing school buildings and for new construction; provided, that such funds so distributed shall be apportioned among the county board of education and the city boards of education within the county, pro rata, on a teacher unit basis; provided, that the money received by Morgan County, under the provisions of this subsection, shall be distributed, two thirds to the county school system and one third to the Decatur school system.
(4) The residue left from the $59,800,000.00 after providing for subdivisions (1), (2) and (3) of this subsection shall be allocated and distributed to county and city boards of education, pro rata, on the basis of teacher units as determined in accordance with the Minimum School Program for the year 1965-66 to be used for the construction of school building facilities, including buildings and equipment, for reconstruction, alteration, equipment and improvement of existing school buildings in school building centers approved by the State Department of Education as permanent school centers; provided, that the money received by Morgan County under the provisions of this subsection shall be distributed, two thirds to the county school system and one third to the Decatur school system.
(p) Other than those disbursements for expenses of the issuance of the bonds and those disbursements applied for attorneys' and agents' fees pursuant to the provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection (o) of this section, the proceeds of sale shall be used solely for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing, altering, improving and equipping buildings and other facilities for public educational purposes in the state, including the fees of architects and building inspectors for services in connection therewith, and for acquiring sites therefor. The preparation of all plans and specifications for any building constructed wholly or in part or reconstructed, altered or improved with any funds realized from this issue shall be performed pursuant to plans and specifications approved by the Alabama Building Commission, or any agency that may be designated by the Legislature as its successor.
(q) The proceeds from the sale of any refunding bonds issued hereunder remaining after paying the expenses of their issuance shall be used only for the purpose of refunding the principal of outstanding bonds of the authority and of paying any premium that may be necessary to be paid in order to redeem or retire the bonds to be refunded.
(r) In the event the bonds are sold in more than one series, the proceeds from the sale of each series, after payment of the expenses of the issuance of that series, shall be distributed among those designated in this section in the same respective proportions as they would have been entitled to receive if the entire authorized issue of bonds had been sold at one time.
(Acts 1965, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 243, p. 331, §10.)