The authority shall have the following powers, together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form:
(1) To have succession by its corporate name for the duration of time (which may be in perpetuity, subject to the provisions of Section 16-17-19) specified in its certificate of incorporation;
(2) To sue and be sued in its own name in civil actions and to defend actions against it;
(3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure;
(4) To adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business;
(5) To acquire, hold, receive and take by purchase, gift, lease, devise or otherwise, and to sell, transfer and convey, property of every description, real, personal or mixed, wherever the same might be located;
(6) To make, enter into and execute such contracts, agreements, leases and other instruments and to take such other actions as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish any purpose for which the authority was organized or to exercise any power expressly granted hereunder;
(7) To plan, establish, develop, acquire, purchase, lease, construct, reconstruct, improve, maintain and operate ancillary improvements in connection with educational institutions in the state, and to acquire real and personal property, franchises and easements deemed necessary or desirable in connection therewith;
(8) To sell and issue bonds of the authority in order to provide funds for any corporate function, use, or purpose, which bonds shall be payable solely out of the revenues derived from the operation, lease or sale (or any combination of any thereof) of ancillary improvements of the authority in connection with educational institutions;
(9) To assume obligations secured by a lien on, or payable out of or secured by a pledge of, the revenues from the operation, lease or sale (or any combination of any thereof) of ancillary improvements or any part thereof that may be acquired by the authority, any obligation so assumed to be payable by the authority solely out of the revenues derived from the operation, lease or sale (or any combination of any thereof) of any ancillary improvements, or part thereof, of the authority;
(10) To pledge for payment of any bonds issued or obligations assumed by the authority any revenues from which those bonds or obligations are made payable as herein provided;
(11) To execute and deliver, pursuant to the provisions of this section and of Sections 16-17-11 and 16-17-12, mortgages and deeds of trust and trust indentures, or either;
(12) To appoint, employ, contract with and provide for the compensation of such officers, employees and agents, including but without limitation to engineers, attorneys, architects, construction contractors, management consultants and fiscal advisers, as the business of the authority may require;
(13) To provide for such insurance as the board may deem advisable;
(14) To invest any funds of the authority that the board may determine are not presently needed in the operation of its properties in bonds of the United States of America, bonds of the state and interest-bearing bank deposits, or any thereof;
(15) To cooperate with the United States of America, any agency or instrumentality thereof, the state, any person, or any combination of any of the foregoing;
(16) To sell and convey any of its properties that may have become obsolete or worn out or that may no longer be needed or useful as or as a part of ancillary improvements in connection with educational institutions;
(17) To enter into a management agreement or agreements with any person for the management by the authority, or by any lessee or assignee from the authority, of any ancillary improvements or part thereof, upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreeable;
(18) To lease to any one or more persons or to any one or more educational institutions any or all of its ancillary improvements and to charge and collect rent therefor and to terminate any such lease upon the failure of the lessee to comply with any of the obligations thereof;
(19) To sell any of its ancillary improvements or part thereof; provided, that any such sale may be made only if such sale would not constitute a breach of any then outstanding agreement on the part of the authority.
(Acts 1966, Ex. Sess., No. 222, p. 325, §7; Acts 1978, No. 841, p. 1258, §1.)