Any ancillary improvements of the authority may be located within or without or partially within and partially without the determining municipality, subject to the following conditions:
(1) No such ancillary improvements, or part thereof, shall be located more than 15 miles from the corporate limits of the determining municipality;
(2) In no event shall any ancillary improvements or part thereof be located within the corporate limits or the police jurisdiction of a municipality in this state other than the determining municipality, unless the governing body of such other municipality has first adopted a resolution consenting to the location of such ancillary improvements or part thereof in the corporate limits or in the police jurisdiction of such municipality; and
(3) No such ancillary improvements or part thereof shall be located in a county other than that (or those) in which the determining municipality (or part thereof) is situated unless the county commission has first adopted a resolution consenting to the location of such ancillary improvements or part thereof in such county.
(Acts 1966, Ex. Sess., No. 222, p. 325, §8.)