(a) There is created the Alabama Virtual Library Executive Council whose purpose shall be to manage and govern the AVL. The council shall be the collective decision making body for the AVL. The council, representing the five partner agencies, shall determine the vision for future expansion and development of the AVL through strategic planning and implementation that best supports the AVL mission of economy, equity, and excellence to benefit teachers, students, and all Alabama citizens in lifelong learning pursuits.
(b) The council shall be composed of 15 members with each of the following persons having three appointments each:
(1) The Chancellor of Postsecondary Education.
(2) The Executive Director of the Alabama Commission on Higher Education.
(3) The State Superintendant of the Alabama Department of Education.
(4) The Director of the Alabama Public Library Service.
(5) The Chief Executive Officer of the Alabama Supercomputer Authority.
(c) The members of the council shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority for a term not to exceed three years. A council member may be reappointed for subsequent three-year terms at the discretion of the appointing agency.
(d) The membership year shall correspond with the fiscal year beginning October 1 and ending September 30 of the subsequent year.
(Act 2009-575, §4.)