(a) The requirement to conduct a criminal history background information check on public and nonpublic current employees pursuant to this chapter is contingent upon the State Superintendent of Education determining that sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Legislature or made available from another source to fund such background checks and related procedures. The State Superintendent of Education shall certify to each local employing board, each nonpublic school, the State Finance Director, and the Code Commissioner when sufficient funds have been appropriated for use by the State Department of Education for purposes of conducting background checks and related procedures on public and nonpublic current employees.
(b) Upon the satisfaction of contingencies provided in subsection (a) and upon the State Superintendent of Education certifying in writing to the State Board of Education and each authorized employer that the procedures for implementing criminal history background information checks of public and nonpublic current employees have been finalized, criminal history background checks shall commence on current public certified employees, current public noncertified employees, and nonpublic current employees as provided by this chapter and subsection (c). Appropriate officials shall endeavor to complete the criminal history background information checks on all public and nonpublic current employees within two years from the date of certification by the State Superintendent of Education as provided in subsection (a). If this deadline date is not met, the State Board of Education, upon written request of the State Superintendent of Education, may extend the deadline date.
(c)(1) Procedures in conformity with this chapter for implementing criminal history background information checks for public and nonpublic current employees shall be established by the State Superintendent of Education. These procedures shall give initial and primary focus to the local employing boards employing the greatest number of current employees. These procedures shall be implemented as to each local employing board in descending order based upon the number of current employees employed.
(2) Within each local employing board, first priority for conducting criminal history background information checks of public and nonpublic current employees shall be given to those schools with the greatest student populations.
(Act 2002-457, p. 1171, §2.)