(a) Any active and contributing member of the Teachers' Retirement System or the Employees' Retirement System may elect to purchase prior service credit in the system for employment that the member had with the United States Civil Service at any military base of the United States or as a graduate teaching assistant or graduate research assistant at any public college or university in Alabama, if the employment service occurred prior to January 1, 1976, and if the member complies with the conditions prescribed in subsection (b).
(b) Any member eligible to claim and purchase the service credit pursuant to subsection (a) shall be awarded creditable service with the Teachers' Retirement System or Employees' Retirement System on the basis of one twelfth of a year for each month or portion of month of employment service only if the member pays into the retirement system or fund prior to the date of retirement of the member and prior to October 1, 2000, a sum equal to the full actuarially determined cost for each year, or portion thereof, of service credit, as determined by the system's actuary.
(c) Proof of service and time of service shall be made by the member by affidavit with any supporting letter or other documentation submitted to the Teachers' Retirement System or Employees' Retirement System and, upon receipt thereof, the system shall promptly calculate the necessary contributions of the member and advise the member thereof. Upon timely payment by the member, the service credit shall be allowed the member.
(d) The provisions of this section shall terminate on October 1, 2000, and no person shall be eligible to utilize the options granted if not fully exercised and paid prior to such date.
(Act 2000-276, p. 439, §2.)