(a) Whenever used in this section, all words and phrases defined in Section 36-27-1, shall have the same meanings ascribed to them in such section, unless the context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended.
(b) Any active and contributing member of the Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama who has been credited with at least 10 years of contributing membership service and, who has rendered full-time service as a legislative employee may hereby claim and purchase credit for any such prior full-time legislative service for which credit has not been granted in either the Teachers' or Employees' Retirement System.
(c) Any member eligible to claim and purchase credit for service under subsection (b) hereof, shall be awarded such credit under the Teachers' Retirement System of Alabama provided he shall pay to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Teachers' Retirement System prior to said member's date of retirement a sum equal to the contributions he would have made for such prior service plus eight percent interest compounded annually.
(d) The provisions granted under this section to reopen the Teachers' Retirement System shall terminate October 1, 1988, and no one shall be eligible to utilize any of the options granted herein if not fully exercised and paid prior to October 1, 1988.
(Acts 1987, No. 87-640, §§1-4.)