The benefits provided by Sections 16-25-14(a), 16-25-14(g), 36-27-16(a), 36-27-16(c) and 36-27B-3, as amended by amendment of May 5, 1988, shall become effective to the Teachers' and Employees' Retirement System the first day of the month next following certification by the systems' actuary, which shall be adopted by the Board of Control of the Teachers' and Employees' Retirement System, that the system can absorb the additional costs of the benefits herein provided for the upcoming fiscal year without increasing the employer contribution as set forth in subdivisions (3) and (5) of Section 16-25-21 and subsections (d) and (f) of Section 36-27-24, provided further in the case of an employer participating pursuant to Section 36-27-6, the provisions of said sections relating to the Employees' Retirement System as amended by said amendment of May 5, 1988, with respect to the employees of such employer, shall become effective the first of the month next following adoption of a resolution by the employer agreeing to come under the provisions of said amendment and further agreeing to assume the cost of benefits provided therein with regards to its employees. It is further provided and expressly understood with respect to the foregoing conditions that any increase in the employer cost rate which is appropriated in a special cost-of-living increase for retired employees shall not be considered when determining the employer cost rate for purposes of this section.
(Acts 1988, No. 88-548, p. 849, §7.)