(a) The Legislature finds a compelling interest in adequately preparing teachers to teach. The two basic components of teaching consist of knowing what to teach (content) and knowing how to teach (methodology). To assure that teachers entering Alabama's classrooms have been thoroughly prepared, the Legislature directs the State Board of Education to review the requirements of programs for teacher education and preparation and select a nationally normed teacher examination to be used. The nationally normed teacher examination may include the National Teacher Exam or any other national equivalent exam. Colleges and universities shall require each teacher candidate to pass the nationally normed examination as a condition of graduation. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, a person can, at any time, elect to not be a teacher candidate. The State Board of Education shall prescribe the manner in which the examination is to be administered and shall further determine the standard to be used for passing the examination.
(b) Graduates of teacher education programs who apply for certification who have attended out-of-state colleges and universities must also pass the same nationally normed teacher examination as required of students attending teacher preparation programs in Alabama. The examination shall be administered in a manner prescribed by the State Board of Education. The same standard used for passing the examination for students enrolled in teacher preparation programs at colleges and universities in Alabama shall be applicable.
(c) This section shall become effective for teacher education candidates who enter their program effective August 1, 1995.
(Acts 1995, No. 95-262, p. 463, §§1, 2, 5.)