The lands now owned by the University of Montevallo or granted by the United States or by the Congress of the United States to the State of Alabama for the use of this institution, shall be leased, sold, conveyed or disposed of only by the board of trustees; provided, that the board of trustees may delegate to its executive committee of three or more of its members the right and power to lease or sell any of said lands, and when any lease or sale shall have been made as herein provided, the Governor, upon request of the board of trustees, or its executive committee, as the case may be, shall execute contracts of lease or deeds of conveyance as may have been agreed on between the board or its executive committee and the lessee or purchaser. All the proceeds arising from the sale, rental or lease of federally granted lands, or any of the rights thereunto pertaining shall be paid into the University of Montevallo restricted endowment, it being the purpose and intent of the university to preserve the principal amount generated by these lands. Any income generated by the University of Montevallo restricted endowment shall be used for the support and maintenance of the university.
(School Code 1927, §516; Code 1940, T. 52, §471; Acts 1979, No. 79-225, p. 342, §1; Acts 1980, No. 80-570, p. 882, §1.)