(a) The State Superintendent of Education and all local boards of education and boards of trustees of the institutions of higher learning shall, on request of the commission, furnish to the commission information relative to the funds or sources from which the schools or institutions subject to their supervision, management, control or operation are currently receiving or entitled to revenue. The State Superintendent of Education, the State Department of Revenue and all other departments and administrative divisions of the state; all counties, cities and other municipal corporations; all colleges, universities and other public educational institutions; all officers and employees thereof and all local school boards shall also, upon request therefor, furnish to the commission such studies, surveys, statistics and other information as they may have available.
(b) Any state, county or municipal agency or institution shall make offices, supplies and personnel available to the commission without charge to the extent consistent with the adequate performance of the functions of such agency.
(c) The commission shall have full power and authority to summon and examine all school and college officials and local and state officials and require the production of such books, papers, documents, records and memoranda as may be necessary to the discharge of its responsibilities hereunder.
(d) In the performance of its duties the commission is authorized to utilize the services, information, facilities and personnel of any department or agency in the state government to the extent consistent with the functions of such agency.
(Acts 1969, Ex. Sess., No. 15, p. 35, §5.)