It shall be the duty of the board of trustees to make such recommendations to the State Superintendent and State Board of Education as it deems wise with reference to courses of study, students to be trained in specific occupations, training standards, school plant facilities needed, the efficient operation of the school and on any other matters to the best interest of trade and industrial education in the State of Alabama. The board of trustees shall advise with the Director of the Alabama School of Trades with reference to the efficient operation of the school, trade and industrial education needs and standards, the placement of graduates in occupations and on such other matters as may be to the best interest of the school. The board of trustees is authorized to cooperate with the director, the State Superintendent and the State Board of Education in making known to the Legislature and the people of Alabama the needs of the school and in the acceptance of any gifts or donations for the development or operation of the school.
(Acts 1947, No. 280, p. 138, §3.)