(a) The board of trustees and its chair shall offer advice to the president and Chancellor with respect to the administration and governance of the institute.
(b) The board shall be composed of no more than 21 citizens of good standing who are alumni of the institute, are or have been members of the United States armed services, or persons of strong character who have the means, judgment, or influence to facilitate the growth and prestige of the institute. Pursuant to a previous lawsuit settlement, the board shall forever retain three residents of Perry County plus one additional from Perry County or any one of the adjoining counties of Bibb, Chilton, Dallas, Hale, or Marengo. The members of the previous board of the Marion Military Institute shall remain members of this board of trustees and shall continue to serve until the expiration of their terms. It shall be the goal of the board to attain 25 percent minority membership.
(c) As terms of members of the board of trustees expire, the board shall recommend to the Chancellor, for appointment by the Alabama State Board of Education, qualified persons for appointment or reappointment to the board. The term for board members shall be three years. Members who have served four full consecutive terms shall not be reappointed to the board until one year has elapsed from the date of their last service.
(d) A majority of actively serving board members, as determined by the chair, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Official actions of the board require a majority of members present and voting.
(Act 2006-230, p. 414, §6.)