All contracts entered into by the authority involving the expenditure of funds in the preparation of plans and specifications, and all work done with respect to the construction of buildings involving the expenditure of funds of the authority shall be let on competitive bids in the same manner and according to the same procedure as contracts for public works are awarded as prescribed in Sections 39-2-1 through 39-2-13.
The preparation of all plans and specifications for any building constructed wholly or in part with any of the money, and all work done hereunder in regard to the construction, reconstruction, alteration and improvement of buildings shall be supervised by the Alabama Building Commission, or any agency that may be designated by the Legislature as its successor. The authority and the Building Commission shall agree to a construction cost estimate for each building constructed wholly or in part with any of the funds provided for in this article, and the authority shall reimburse the Building Commission for its reasonable direct costs in having plans, specifications and contract documents prepared and in supervising and inspecting the work.
The authority shall purchase and install the original equipment necessary to place each such additional trade school and junior college in a condition of efficient operation. Such equipment shall be purchased on the basis of competitive bidding, to be conducted in the same manner and according to the same procedure as provided for state purchases in Sections 41-16-20 through 41-16-32; except, that the purchasing procedure shall be conducted by the authority instead of the state Purchasing Agent.
Not more than $1,500,000.00 shall be expended by the authority with respect to any one trade school or junior college.
(Acts 1963, 2nd Ex. Sess., No. 93, p. 259, §9.)