(a) The chief administrative and executive officer of the office shall be the executive director, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The director shall be responsible for the performance and exercise of the duties, responsibilities, functions, powers, and authority imposed upon the director and the office by law. The director shall be in the unclassified service of the state Merit System and shall receive a salary in an amount to be determined by the Governor.
(b) The director may employ all personnel of the office, subject to the state Merit System, or if the employee is to be employed in a supervisory capacity, without regard to the provisions thereof. The director shall set the compensation of such employees in accordance with that of comparable positions established under the state Merit System pay plan.
(c) If existing positions or divisions of state government are consolidated or eliminated as a result of the creation of the office, any state employees displaced shall be offered the opportunity to transfer to available positions for which they are qualified within the office.
(Act 2000-715, p. 1535, § 3.)