Not less than 40 days prior to the holding of any election, except a municipal election, to which this chapter pertains, or in the case of a runoff primary election, not more than seven days after the first primary election, the officer charged with the printing and distribution of the official ballots and election supplies shall deliver to the absentee election manager of each county in which the election is held or to the person designated to serve in his or her place a sufficient number of absentee ballots, envelopes, and other necessary supplies. Not more than seven days after the last day to qualify as a candidate in a municipal election, or in the case of a runoff municipal election, not more than 14 days after the first election, or in the case of a municipal election held for a purpose other than the election of municipal officers, not more than seven days after the giving of notice of the election, the officer charged with the printing and distribution of the official ballots and election supplies shall deliver to the absentee election manager of the municipality in which the election is held, or to the person designated to serve in his or her place, a sufficient number of absentee ballots, envelopes, and other necessary supplies. If the absentee election manager is a candidate with opposition in the election, he or she shall immediately, upon receipt of the ballots, envelopes, and supplies, deliver them to the person authorized to act in his or her place, as provided in Section 17-11-13.
Acts 1975, No. 1147, p. 2251, §10; Acts 1978, No. 616, p. 873, §6; Acts 1980, No. 80-732, p. 1478, §8; Acts 1986, No. 86-428, p. 791, §3; Acts 1992, No. 92-152, p. 262, §1; Acts 1994, No. 94-320, p. 553, §1; Act 2003-400, p. 1150, §1; Act 2006-281, p. 496, §1; Act 2006-354, p. 937, §2; §17-10-12; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §52.)