The Supervisor of Voter Registration shall be employed by the Secretary of State under the terms and conditions of the state Merit System and the salary and benefits shall be set by the Secretary of State out of funds appropriated for such purpose. The Supervisor of Voter Registration shall work at the direction of the Secretary of State. In addition to those duties assigned by the Secretary of State, the Supervisor of Voter Registration shall have the following duties:
(1) To keep the minutes of the meetings of the Voter Registration Advisory Board, conduct the day-to-day business activities of the Voter Registration Advisory Board, and give progress reports on such activities at its meetings.
(2) To serve as a liaison between the Secretary of State and the county boards of registrars on implementation of existing and future laws pertaining to voter registration.
(3) To provide to the county boards of registrars such information as would allow them to determine which names should be stricken by them from voter lists in accordance with state law.
(4) To provide assistance to the county boards of registrars in determining the names of any person or persons who are deceased, who are no longer qualified to vote in the election district where registered due to removal of residence from the county in which he or she is registered, or from the State of Alabama, who has been convicted of a disqualifying crime, or who is otherwise no longer qualified to vote as may be provided by law.
(5) To establish and maintain a statewide voter registration list including all registered voters of the state as such information is reported to the Supervisor of Voter Registration by the boards of registrars or judges of probate of the various counties.
(6) To maintain all information furnished to the Supervisor of Voter Registration relating to the inclusion or deletion of names from the lists of registered voters.
(7) To acquire by purchase, lease, or contract, the use of such equipment as is required to establish a fully centralized statewide voter registration list which will allow the computerization of all of the offices of the boards of registrars throughout the state upon legislative approval of funds for such computerization, the communication of necessary information between the boards of registrars and the Supervisor of Voter Registration; storage and instant comparison of names and other identifying information contained in voter lists, automatically identifying duplicate entries, produce in printed forms selected names or lists of names with identifying information, and do such other tasks as may be designated for it by the Supervisor of Voter Registration.
(8) To recommend procedures and administrative rules to the Secretary of State and prepare forms necessary to properly carry out such duties set forth herein.
(9) To secure from each county voter registration information and from any state department, agency, board, bureau, or commission, or from any other sources, information regarding the death, conviction of disqualifying crime, or removal of residence from the county or state of any registered voter.
(10) To furnish, at a reasonable reproduction cost and within 14 days of receipt of the request, voter registration lists limited to the names, addresses, and political subdivisions or voting places to candidates for election or political party nomination to further their candidacy, political party committees or officials thereof for political purposes only, incumbent officeholders to report to their constituents; nonprofit organizations which promote voter participation and registration for that purpose only; and for no other purpose and to no one else; failure to furnish the requested voter registration list within 14 days of receipt of a request shall result in no charge to the requesting entity and the cost shall be absorbed by the Secretary of State.
(11) To perform such duties pertaining to voter registration as may be assigned by the Secretary of State.
(12) To supervise persons employed by the Secretary of State, subject to the state Merit System laws and entitled to the rights of benefits thereunder, as may be necessary to carry out this article.
(13) To train, counsel, advise, and evaluate registrars in the performance of their lawful functions.
(14) To provide military and overseas voters with voter registration applications and absentee ballot applications and otherwise assist such voters with information helpful in becoming registered, changing registration, and obtaining absentee ballots.
(15) To provide information relating to procedures for registering and voting an absentee ballot.
(Acts 1989, No. 89-649, p. 1279, §2; Act 2003-313, p. 733, §2; §17-4-211; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §20.)