(a) Each political action committee which anticipates either receiving contributions or making expenditures during the calendar year in an aggregate amount exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) shall file with the Secretary of State or the judge of probate as herein provided in Section 17-5-9, a statement of organization, within 10 days after its organization or, if later within 10 days after the date on which it has information which causes the committee to anticipate it will receive contributions or make expenditures in an aggregate amount in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(b) The statement of organization shall include:
(1) The name and complete address of the committee.
(2) The identification of affiliated or connected organizations, if any.
(3) The purposes of the committee.
(4) The identification of the chair and treasurer.
(5) The identification of principal officers, including members of any finance committee.
(6) A description of the constitutional amendments or other propositions, if any, that the committee is supporting or opposing, and the identity, if known, of any candidate or elected official that the committee is supporting or opposing.
(7) A statement whether the committee is a continuing one, and if not, the expected termination or dissolution date.
(8) The disposition of residual funds which will be made in the event of dissolution.
(c) Any material change in information previously submitted in a statement of organization, except for the information described in subdivision (6) above, shall be reported to the Secretary of State or judge of probate as provided in Section 17-5-9, within 10 days following the change.
(d) Any political action committee or any principal campaign committee after having filed its initial statement of organization shall continue in existence until terminated or dissolved as provided herein. When any political action committee determines it will no longer receive contributions or make expenditures during any calendar year in an aggregate amount exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or when any candidate through his or her principal campaign committee determines that he or she will not receive contributions or make expenditures in the amounts specified in Section 17-5-2, the chair or treasurer of such political committee may so notify the Secretary of State or judge of probate, as designated in Section 17-5-9, of the termination or dissolution of such political committee. Such notice shall contain a statement by the treasurer of such committee of the intended disposition of any residual funds then held by the committee on behalf of a candidate.
(Acts 1988, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 88-873, p. 397, §5; §17-22A-5; amended and renumbered by Act 2006-570, p. 1331, §24.)